About Desert Rivers Audubon

Great Egret - Photo by Michele Dodge

Our Mission:

Educating and inspiring our community to protect and preserve birds,

wildlife, and their habitats.

Who We Are:

Desert Rivers Audubon Society

Photo by Tom Muehleisen

Photo by Tom Muehleisen

Desert Rivers Audubon Society, an affiliate of the National Audubon Society, was founded in 2007 by a group of birders who believed that educating the public about birds and nature builds communities that protect and preserve wildlife.

To this day, the chapter has remained true to this mission.

From the beginning, monthly meetings have been free and open to the public, bringing ornithologists, photographers, artists and others to the East Valley.

Photo by Peter Hawkins

Photo by Peter Hawkins

Free Bird Walks

For more than 25 years, our Free Family Bird Walks have unveiled the beauty of birds and nature to adults and children who never before thought about birds.

Our first Free Family Bird Walks were at Gilbert Riparian Preserve.

Soon after, our Early Birds Club became a regular part of that event.

Later we added a monthly walk at Veterans Oasis Park in Chandler

We take special interest groups into the field and engage the public at Earth Day celebrations and other community events.

And we organize field trips led by experienced birders to great birding spots in the Valley and around the state.

Snowy Egret – Photo by Francois Portmann


Without a clear focus on conservation, the birds we love will continue to disappear.
At our meetings and through our publications we encourage everyone to support policies that protect wildlife.

We are members of the Western Rivers Action Network, a policy arm of Audubon Southwest that advocates for the waters our chapter honors in its name.

And we are partnering with the Town of Gilbert to erect a Motus Wildlife Tracking System receiving tower, which will be part of an international network gathering data about the migration patterns of birds and animals.


Volunteers tend to the Hummingbird Habitat at Desert Breeze Park in Chandler.

Volunteers tend to the Hummingbird Habitat at Desert Breeze Park in Chandler.

We also get our hands dirty!

For years Desert Rivers volunteers have spent one Saturday a month maintaining the Hummingbird Habitat at Desert Breeze Park in Chandler.

Recently we have focused on hazards resulting from the man-made environment.

We are promoting simple solutions homeowners can employ to prevent birds from crashing into their windows.

We work with the managers of high rise buildings encouraging them to dim the lights during migration.

We support programs aimed at reducing unnecessary artificial lighting.

Whether you join, donate or participate you make a difference!