March 11: Sunset Walk at Gilbert Riparian Preserve – 5 p.m.

Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch 2757 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

Prior to our Monthly Speakers Meeting please join Karen Stucke-Jungemann and Evan Waite for an early evening bird walk. Let's stretch our legs, let go of the day's stresses and observe the birds' last feeding of the day. Gilbert Riparian Preserve is one of the best parks in the East Valley for birding.  Many waterfowl...


March 11 Speaker Meeting: Live Birds of Prey from Liberty Wildlife

Southeast Regional Library 775 N Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

Liberty Wildlife makes its annual visit on March 11, bringing a selection of birds of prey for us to meet. Liberty Wildlife is a raptor rescue, rehab, education and conservation organization located on the banks of the Salt River between 24th and 28th Streets in Phoenix (just south of I-10). For 40 years Liberty has...


March 15: Free Family Bird Walk at Gilbert Riparian Preserve – Season Finale

Gilbert Riparian Preserve

Don't miss our free family bird walk at Gilbert Riparian Preserve on March 15, 2025 because it is the last one at Gilbert until October!   Meet us at Dragonfly Pavilion to join a group going out with an expert guide. Guides will take groups out starting at 8 a.m., with the last walk stepping...


Field Trip: Higley Ponds

Higley Ponds E Ocotillo Rd and Higley Rd, Gilbert, AZ

The Higley Ponds are located on the northeast corner of  Higley and Ocotillo Roads.  The parking area is one-half mile north of Ocotillo. The ponds are frequented by a wide variety of shorebirds, hawks, hummingbirds, roadrunners, flycatchers, Abert’s Towhee and Curved-bill Thrashers. Bring: Binoculars, water bottle, hat/sunscreen and walking shoes. Meet: In the parking lot. Limit: No...


March 25: Birds & Brew Coffee Break

Gilbert Riparian Preserve

Birds & Brew is your chance to get in on some of the best birding in the Est Valley with an experienced guide, then chat about what you saw over coffee. Join us at Birds & Brew Coffee Break on Tuesday, February 25 for a guided walk at Gilbert Riparian Preserve! Then we will head...


April 5: Last of the season – Free Family Bird Walk at Veterans Oasis Park

Veterans Oasis Park 4050 E Chandler Heights Rd, Chandler, AZ, United States

Bring friends and family to our  free family bird walk at Veterans Oasis Park on February 1. Meet us at the ramada closest to the south parking lot to join a group going out with an expert guide. Guides will take groups out starting at 8 a.m., with the last walk stepping off at 11:00....


Field Trip: Mount Ord

Mt. Ord Arizona

Field trip leader Anne Leight says this is a fun place to bird! Mt. Ord offers high-elevation birding in Maricopa County, located near Sunflower east of State Route 87. Once we leave S.R. 87, the roads are steep, but passable to most vehicles. Carpooling will be coordinated with Anne. We will make several stops along...


April 8: Speaker Meeting and Annual Election

Southeast Regional Library 775 N Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, United States

The annual meeting for the election of officers of Desert Rivers Audubon Society will be held on April 8, in conjunction with our monthly speaker. The April speaker will be announced closer to the date. The Monthly Speaker Series hosted by Desert Rivers Audubon Society offers the opportunity to learn about birds and nature from...


Field Trip: Lower Camp Creek

Lower Creek Camp , United States

This intimate riparian area with steep canyon walls is on the way to Seven Springs, north of Scottsdale. This time of year we can expect a variety of birds. After we've seen the resident species in the desert area, the shaded creek bottom attracts a nice variety of thrashers, towhees and sparrows.  It is not unusual...

Field Trip – Higley Ponds

Higley Ponds E Ocotillo Rd and Higley Rd, Gilbert, AZ

Higley Ponds are located on the northeast corner of  Higley and Ocotillo Roads.  The parking area is 1/2 mile north of Ocotillo.  The ponds are frequented by a wide variety of shorebirds, hawks, hummingbirds, roadrunners, flycatchers, Abert’s towhee and Curved-billed Thrashers. Limit: No limit Difficulty: 1, flat dirt paths Bring: Binoculars, water bottle, hat/sunscreen and walking shoes. Meet:...


April 22: Birds & Brew Coffee Break

Gilbert Riparian Preserve

Birds & Brew is your chance to get in on some of the best birding in the East Valley with an experienced guide, then chat about what you saw over coffee. Join us at Birds & Brew Coffee Break on Tuesday, April 22 for a guided walk at Gilbert Riparian Preserve! Then we will head...
