Join Karen Stucke-Jungemann and Evan Waite for an early evening bird walk prior to our February 14 Monthly Speakers Meeting.
Let’s stretch our legs, let go of the day’s stresses and observe the birds’ last feeding of the day. Gilbert Riparian Preserve is one of the best parks in the East Valley for birding. Many water fowl will have arrived for the winter. Along with your binoculars bring your phone or flashlight as the paths may get dark before we return to the library.
We will meet at 4:00 p.m. on the sidewalk by northeast corner of the library, facing Guadalupe Rd. The walk ends around 5:30 p.m., with time for a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant or a snack before attending the speaker meeting, which starts at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Doors open at 6:30.
Limit: 12
Difficulty: 1 Flat dirt paths
Bring: Binoculars, phone or flashlight, snack if you are not joining us for dinner
Meet: 4: p.m. Northeast corner of the library parking lot, facing Guadalupe Road
Register: Email [email protected]. Include name of the field trip in subject line. If this link does not open into an email, please copy & paste [email protected] into a new email to register.