On February 8, join Kathe Anderson and Cindy Marple for a bird walk at the Gilbert Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, followed by a potluck breakfast donated by generous participants. It’s always been a feast in the past!
Meet just off the parking lot into the Water Ranch from Guadalupe Road, at the west entrance, in front of you as you drive in. Walk is geared for adults, but children are welcome. Lasts about 90 minutes to two hours, with additional wrap up time at the end to go over the list of species seen and heard. Suggested donation: $5 for Desert Rivers Audubon members, $10 for others.
Limit: 22 vaccinated participants.
Difficulty: 1 – flat dirt paths
Bring: Binoculars, water bottle, hat/sunscreen and walking shoes – and a dish to share!
Meet: In the parking lot at 8:00 a.m.
Please register with Kathe Anderson at [email protected]. If the email link does not work for you, please copy and paste Kathe’s email address, [email protected] into a fresh email.